Contact Details :

Address : K2

Phone : 061 603822

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Opening Hours

Monday : 9am - 6pm

Tuesday : 9am - 6pm

Wednesday : 9am - 6pm

Thursday : 9am - 8pm

Friday : 9am - 8pm

Saturday : 9am - 6pm

Sunday : 12noon - 6pm

Additional Information

Sky is a valued part of everyday life in over 11 million homes. We entertain, excite and inspire customers with a great choice of high-quality television in high definition. We make technology simple and put our viewers in control. We connect people to each other and to the world with our broadband and phone services. Millions of customers choose Sky because they love the quality entertainment we provide. We understand the importance of great TV and we invest around £2 billion a year in our channels to make sure our customers get what they want.